‘Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders’ competition, by Peace Direct
Par admin le samedi, juillet 12 2014, 16:53 - Nouvelles du réseau / News from the network - Lien permanent
Are you a peacebuilder? Do you need some support to help you grow your impact and strengthen your organisation? If you meet our entry criteria, you can apply to win our annual ‘Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders’ competition.
"Peace Direct" is launching her second ‘Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders’ competition to find the best emerging peacebuilding organisations across the globe.
Four winning entries will be selected by her expert peacebuilding jury. Each winning entry will receive:
- $4,000 funding for peacebuilding activities
- The opportunity to attend an international Peace Direct peacebuilder event or another peacebuilding exchange visit
- Online promotion of their work.
The winners will be announced on Armistice Day, 11 November 2014.